Saturday, April 09, 2005

10 things you may not know (but should) about Ailee

I was still sound asleep at 1 in the afternoon when Maddy called me on my cell phone, jarring me awake. When I told her (groggily) that she had just cut short my stay in the land of Nod, she laughed in disbelief. I realized that with the exception of my close high school and college friends, not many know of my weekend ritual of sleeping until early or mid-afternoon. I just love sleeping, and the more hours I can get away with the better. For me, sleep is one of the purest forms of blissful release. But it's also weird because I am a nocturnal person, and I can stay up really really late, and I can also go without sleep for more than 48 hours straight. Aren't I a lovely bundle of contradictions.

In order to avoid another unintentional wake-up call and other things that may inconvenience me or tick me off (but don't worry Maddy, I swear I wasn't sore with you), I have drawn up a list of 10 things people may not know about me, but probably should. Consider this a friendly warning in the interest of public welfare, since some people (especially my students) claim I am scary when mad.

1. Obviously, since I'm a nocturnal person, I am definitely not a morning person. This explains why I am sometimes late for work, because it's a struggle to get out of bed so early in the morning. Therefore, as much as possible, do not schedule anything with me before lunch, unless you intend on buying me breakfast and a tall cup of coffee to wake me up.

2. I hate pink. No, make that I loathe pink. Pink is the most revolting color in the entire spectrum of colors (no matter what Rachel says). I do not own a single stitch of pink clothing (I have gotten rid of my much detested ICA uniforms, hah!), nor will I ever voluntarily wear anything pink, rose, or any shade resembling such. Therefore, do not give me anything pink, because chances are, I will not let it see the light of day.

3. I have weak knees. When I was in grade 6, I dislocated my right kneecap while playing table tennis. You may wonder how one injures herself playing such a dangerous sport. Well, clumsy, ill-coordinated me slipped and banged my knee on our garage floor. In my second year of high school, while we were on vacation in Cebu, it happened to my left knee, and it was bizaare because I simply sat down on a hotel bed and my left kneecap popped out. It turns out I am missing some ligaments in my knees which make them prone to dislocation. Therefore, do not invite me to engage in any activities that put too much pressure on my knees, lest they pop out again.

4. One of my biggest pet peeves is when things don't go according to plan. I can be a bit of a control freak, so it gets on my nerves when someone (including, and perhaps especially, myself) is late, or when people back out of commitments. Therefore, if you have an appointment with me and you don't want to get on my bad side, please show up on time, and never stand me up. Please.

5. I am a picky eater, and sometimes my food aversions make no sense whatsoever. Take my dislike of young corn and cucumber, for example (right, AP-Annex?). Or my refusal to eat sushi. Or wasabi. Or green mangoes. Or salmon. Therefore, do not offer me any weird things to eat, since I would most probably politely but firmly turn you down anyway.

6. I am tone deaf, though that doesn't prevent me from singing in the shower and at videoke outings with friends I am comfortable baring my musical inadequacies to. But I am definitely what Simon Cowell would call a horrendous singer; I suspect I could make even William Hung sound good. Therefore do not ask me to perform in public. Have pity on everyone within earshot.

7. If you haven't noticed, I do not have ear piercings. No female in my immediate family does, and it's become something of a trademark that my sister and I intend to keep, unless our future daughters insist on getting their ears pierced. Therefore, it's pointless to give me earrings of any kind.

8. I do not, nor will I ever, paint my nails, even with transparent polish. My hands and feet are two of my few vanities, and I like keeping them immaculate, which includes keeping them color-free. Therefore, do not volunteer to paint my nails, for you will meet a flat refusal.

9. I abhor golf. My father and brother are golf fanatics, but I think it is a despicable sport. It is one of the most blatantly elitist sports, and it's practically a social sin. Playing it consumes too much time and money, and the courses take up too much water and land. Imagine if you divide all the golf courses in the world into smaller parcels of land and converted them into farm land or distributed it to the poor. See what I mean? Therefore, do not attempt to talk to me about PGA tournaments or Tiger Woods, for I will just get up on my soapbox and start ranting about the evils of golf.

10. I am allergic to all small live creatures, including house pets and children. I do not like hanging around anything that cannot hold up their end of an intelligent conversation or are not able to pee and poop properly on their own. Therefore, keep your dogs and cats and guinea pigs (sorry, Fara!) and little brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews and daughters and sons as far, far away from me as possible, for their health as well as mine.

If you haven't noticed, I hate a lot of things. The list could drag on beyond 10 (organized religion, Philippine government officials, LaSalle...) but trust me, you don't want me to go there anymore.


At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kaya pala mas naging patapon pa ang CSB para sayo hahaha.

hey, im not the only one who dislikes sushi pala. diba sushi has mayo? mayo... *shudders*


At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

I just don't like the idea of eating anything raw (except for veggies), and I'm not big on fish to begin with. I'm not a fan of mayo either. A little I can take... a lot, I feel like gagging.

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ack ms lim do not hate golf!! golf is actually fun a tad bit relaxing even! i used to hate golf but then i realized that wacking that lil white ball was very exciting i changed my mind :D maybe you should try it some day ahaha

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

No thanks. :p I'm sure it can be relaxing for some people but I just can't stand how golf addicts yak on about bogies and birdies and pars and putters. It's all a big yawn to me. :p

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haaay nako ang dami kong comment hahahaha :D
2. Ms. Lim hates pink Whaaaaaat?!?! how could you hate pink...i love pink! i want to paint my future house pink so i would look like malibu barbie hahaha :)
7. Miss Lim doesn't wear earrings Whaaaaat?!?! (again) I loooove earrings...hahaha i can't leave the house without them....hahaha i even wear the illegal kind (yung nagiging number one ako sa wanted list for dangling earrings, plastic bangles, the list can go oooon...:P) as long as i can get away with it hehe :)
8. Miss Lim hates nail polish Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?! (do you see a pattern here?!) i love nail polish hahaha....teacher, alam mo naman ako ang "most likely to go to ms. hechanova's office every day" hahahaha :D i like wearing nail polish (as long as i can get away with it parin...haha)...kami ni Da yon...the nailpolish-ers! hahaha...I bet you're gonna miss telling us to take off our extra bracelets, dangling earrings and other illegal stuff! wahahaha :D

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, now I can comment! It's so sad that you're in Blogger; there are a lot of better hosts out there, like Blurty or Tabulas or even (shudder) Xanga. :) Unless there's a friending/subscription option for Blogger, which I'm not sure about.

Well, I noticed we have some things in common... I hate pink, I hate it when things don't go according to plan, I never wear earrings, I refuse to paint my nails even for formal occasions, and I detest children. :)

Good luck in your family business, btw. ICA has just lost one of their very few competent teachers, but hey, the younger generations must suffer too.

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What. The name tag doesn't retain the capitalization. Bah.

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

Too many ICAns have Xanga accounts, and their blogs give me a headache trying to read through blinding colors and dizzying graphics. My best friend has a Tabulas blog, but I found the communities too... crowded. I like Blogger's uncluttered look, helps me concentrate on writing without all the bells and whistles. Besides, I'm a hopeless tech-idiot, and I do not have the time nor inclination to fiddle around with HTML. So Blogger it is.

At Sunday, April 10, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

And thank you, though I don't think the younger generations will suffer too much in my absence. I have faith in my replacement. :)

At Monday, April 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maddy ong: but hey, the younger generations must suffer too.

im sure they will. :D

me: next year..
incoming juniour: oona, rubbing it in.
me: hahaha dbale, if nahirapan kayo next year sa macbeth or any literature peice. pnta ka sa sec namin.. alam na namin by heart. (haha yabang noh?.. pero totoo eh :P)


me: (pahabol) pero, me pieces hinde ko ganun ka alam.. don't ask why. -.-


At Monday, April 11, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

Karen: "alam na namin by heart. (haha yabang noh?.. pero totoo eh :P)"

Hmm. Cockiness. The mark of a true Ms.Lim student. :p

At Monday, April 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahaha.. dati na..

i think na enhance pa lalo.

btw, ang gay tlga eh. ahahaha me isang, i mean, MGA parts na natawa talaga ako.


At Friday, April 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ailee! Pleeeaasssee don't hate pink and green mangoes and la salle!!!

Don't you like Pink 5 of BioMan?
And what about green mangoes that you hate? Is it because they're green??? =P Do you know that I am actually salivating just typing about green mangoes here?

Lastly, let me say that I can only accept your lasalle-bashing ways if I can just tell you that GENERALLY, I hate Ateneans (ha!). Especially during UAAP season. Sorry.

At Friday, April 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ey ms lim...its me again. i cannot believe that we actually have stuff in commmon!:) take for example #1,#2,#9 and SOME of #10.
i LOVE LOVE LOVE sleeping in especially during weekends. although, i am now struggling to sleep like i would usually do since i still have a slight jetlag.
I HATE pink. no words can describe my hatred for pink!!! my mom loves pink therefore buys pink clothes and forces me to wear them. of course i will not falter. im as steady as a rock. I REFUSE TO WEAR ANYTHING PINK NOR ANY TYPE OF CLOTHING WITH A DASH OF PINK IN IT!!!
#3...i hate blood..blood makes me gag...therefore picturing it in my mind makes me squirm and then gag. we are totally different in
#5. i LOVE ALL the things u hate and I HATE veggies! eek...*barf*.
#7, i love peircings...if im allowed i would like to have my navel, ear (i only have one pair but intend to have more) and nose (just the small kind) peirced. but sadly my dad disagrees with me and says that i should appreciate what God gave answer was that He didnt give me a pair of holes through in my ear lobes in the first place...*silence*...
#9 I HATE GOLF!!! in my shouldnt even be called a sport. its the stupidest, boringest not to mention dumbest "sport" in the to rugby (which is stupid cuz theyre just out there killing each other for a round peice of rubber)
#10 I HATE CHILDREN...actually i try to be nice to them but they apparently dont like me and start screamin their head off in front of my face(how could anyone hate this very cute and LIKABLE face?!?!?):)

At Sunday, April 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MyMy!!! You'll make a wonderful mother!! Wow!! I Pity the poor soul who will marry you! I'm not offering my bro anymore!!! You guys are extreme opposites! Especially with the children part! haha! And LA SALLE!!!!! Haha!

Pink, YUCK!!!

At Sunday, April 17, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

Tarin, I never wanted your brother. And I seriously wish I could give birth to a 12-year-old baby.

Michelle, I liked Yellow 4 better than Pink 5. :p And I don't hate green mangoes just because they're green!

Kassie, there was no bleeding when I dislocated my knees. Just the very grotesque sight of my knee protruding sideways. Lovely.

At Thursday, April 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh...well thats better!:D when i hear that word (dislocation), i imagine a bloody knee bones sticking out...*puke* But i wont deny that anything beyond normal in anyone's body makes my stomach squirm...*puke* again:)

At Monday, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so NOT tone deaf. if you are, i must be too! =p i??? =i

At Monday, August 08, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

Haha, if the frequency of our KTV nights in Beijing are to be our basis, we might as well be the best damned singers in the world!

At Thursday, October 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ailee, i couldn't agree more with your views on golf :) reading it made me reminisce about my spiel to an ex-boy who was so into golf :)

At Friday, October 21, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

Hi Atsi Fan!! How did you find my blog? Wait, let me guess... Jenica? Haha.

I guess it's a lucky thing your current boy (or should I say your fiance ;p) doesn't play golf then, huh? Or does he? I hope I never become a golf widow. Pa and Bens and all their talk about putting greens and 7 irons are enough to drive me nuts.


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