Wednesday, December 19, 2007

10 things that have made me smile in the past week

  1. Reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
  2. Marc Nelson taking his shirt off before plunging into a mudbath in New Zealand (God I love this season of The Amazing Race Asia).
  3. Exchanging Amazing Race Asia text commentary with Sir Tirol.
  4. Clive Owen as Sir Walter Raleigh in Elizabeth: The Golden Age.
  5. Sebastian's Ice Cream.
  6. Spending Saturday night with my Rated R group.
  7. Running into my student Mye at Yuujin.
  8. My nephew Rafa.
  9. Seeing Marc Nelson's face plastered all over SM's men's wear department (a most effective way to cheer me up during dreary store visits).
  10. My godson Tyler. =D


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