Monday, October 10, 2005

The Bride of Burton

“Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…” Tim Burton must have taken this bridal adage to heart when he created his animated feature Corpse Bride. He combined the vocal talents of actors he’s worked with before (old), a novel screenplay with elements of horror, romance, drama, comedy and musical (new), the animation style made famous by his own film Nightmare Before Christmas (borrowed, or at least recycled), and, well, people who turn blue when they die.

Other familiar elements that popped up in the movie: music by Burton’s staple composer Danny Elfman (one of the musical numbers sounded disturbingly like an Oompa-Loompa song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Christopher Lee in a hilarious cameo (this one had him looking like a crazed caricature of his Saruman self), and a chaotic, outlandish netherworld reminiscent of Burton’s Beetlejuice universe. Burton seemed to turn Frankenstein by piecing together bits of his previous films to come up with a new one. But fortunately, instead of a clunky, horrifying creation, he ended up with a sinister/sweet tale about love and death that has a ghoulish grace and macabre beauty about it. Among contemporary filmmakers, Burton is best at creating movies that are chilling and heart-warming at the same time.

Corpse Bride made for an engaging (pun not intended) hour and a half. I have always appreciated good animation, especially when it comes with smart dialogue and an interesting story. And it helps that I’ve always had a taste for the morbid…


At Monday, October 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i watched the corpse bride in rockwell last saturday and i was rushing to get into the theatre since the movie was already starting. as i opened the side doors, to my surprise, there was a headless mannequin wearing a wedding dress! i totally wasn't expecting it...i almost toppled it over rushing into the theatre! needless to say, i was already scared out of my wits without even watching the movie ;) hahaha

At Tuesday, October 11, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

Haha, that must have given you an awful scare! I hope you didn't scream. ;p We seem to watch the same creepy movies, don't we? :)

At Wednesday, October 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of oompa loompas! I just noticed that the oompa loompa actor was in "Big Fish".

We were talking about Tim Burton a couple of weeks back in my English class. Odd odd. :)


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