Wednesday, May 04, 2005


My siblings and I (or more accurately, my sister and I, since our brother is what we lovingly-yet-scathingly call “moral support”) are compiling a scrapbook for our mom for Mother’s Day. We are, as usual, cramming like crazy, and late last night around 1:30AM, while we were in a flurry of cutting and pasting, our mom walked in on us. My sister and I shot accusatory I-thought-you-locked-the-door looks at one another, but our dear mother, feigning ignorance, stayed near the doorway and simply gave us her usual it’s-late-go-to-bed admonition, then left. That was how we knew she knew: if she hadn’t suspected that what we were doing was for her, she would have marched right up to us and demanded to know what we were doing at such a late hour. There goes our surprise. At least she doesn’t know what we’re making. That, and she’ll leave us alone for the rest of the week.

This morning I had breakfast with Kat and Margaux (Ms. Tria and Ms. Cua to some of you). They yanked me out of bed at 6:00 (mind you, I went to sleep at 2:00!) so that we could eat a leisurely breakfast and they could still beat the clock for their time-in at 7:20. After breakfast I went back home, napped for an hour, then left for work. That is one thing I definitely do not miss about teaching: being forced to wake up and function fully at such a godawfully early hour. It’s a good thing I only had 2 first-period classes in my 2 years at ICA (heck, there were days I was still half-asleep during second period!). I’m sure the students didn’t have a clue that their teacher was actually more sleep-addled than they were (or if they did, they were polite enough to let me snap out of it gradually).

I hear Ms. Sia wants me to substitute for Ms. Gadja when she goes on maternity leave in November. I don’t think I can commit to that long a stint (2 to 3 months), especially since December is our peak season at the office. I would love to teach mythology and media ed again though… but not grammar. Ugh. I think I'll have to pass on that sub offer. Sorry Ms. Sia.

I need to get back to cutting and pasting. Deadline's fast approaching. Snip snip.


At Saturday, May 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!!!! I hope u can substitute so that i can bug ya!! haha! I mean i could but then if ur in school, it would be a lot easier! Ö

At Saturday, May 07, 2005, Blogger Ailee Through the Looking Glass said...

That's what you think. If I do show up in school (and I'm not saying when, mwahaha), I'd be bugging you more than you'd be bugging me. Privilege of all former teachers. :p


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