If I was dismayed by how my fellow Ateneo alumni conducted themselves during last week's Ateneo-La Salle game, today I was downright disgusted by what I saw at the end of Game 1 of the Finals between FEU and La Salle. After the last buzzer sounded (FEU won, hooray!) and as the players were walking off the court, Joseph Yeo (known for both his skill at shooting, and shooting off at the mouth) seemed to be saying something to hero-of-the-game Arwind Santos. Then a La Salle team manager, some guy in his fifties, came between the 2 players, apparently to separate them before any trouble happened. But then as he was herding Yeo away, the manager hit Santos behind the head! I was so shocked, I thought I had imagined it. The commentators were so shocked, they were sputtering into their headsets. When they showed the replay, I couldn't help it, I spit out a cuss word in Chinese (you know I'm mad when I run out of English words). What a low blow!! Pare, ang tanda mo na para pumatol sa bata. And what an excellent example you're setting for your players, and for your children, if you have any.
If La Salle has any moral backbone, they should ban that thug from their bench forever. My respect for them is always begrudging, but if they get rid of their manager I'd be the first to say Animo La Salle.